Types and features of grilles on metal windows

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security grilles

One of the most secure placement options against intrusion through the door is to install metal grilles at the users. These designs are not only the fruits of an impregnable house or apartment, but also perfectly decorate window openings.

One of the most reliable option is secure-house.co.uk security grilles.

However, in order to find answers to any questions, it is necessary to take into account their presence, which they pay attention to when choosing.

Technical characteristics of metal grilles

Grilles have a number of their characteristics, on which their stability, reliability, availability, appearance, etc. depend. These characteristics include:

  • Profile type – as a rule, for the construction of rod or square structures.
  • The thickness of the metal – the larger the parameter, the other product.
  • Type of paintwork – the appearance of the coating, as well as the presence of gratings. most commonly powder coated.
  • Cell size – with an increased cell, the grille will not cope with the protective grille, and in case of increased danger it will greatly obscure the room.


Window bars are installed according to the following parameters:

  • type of construction (way of opening);
  • preparation method;
  • purpose.

For each of these parameters, there are several variants of gratings.

Types of grilles

Grilles differ in functional purpose, production method, shape, design, and functional possibilities. Let’s consider each of the differences in detail. Depending on the design features, the grilles are:

  • Sliding. They differ in compact sizes, when opened they fold into an accordion, which allows you to save internal space;
  • Stationary. They are fixed in the window opening by welding. Such solutions practically do not satisfy the requirements of fire safety;
  • Swing They advantageously differ in functionality and ease of use. Separate parts of the grille are fixed with a lock or with a special locking device;
  • decorative. They are pleasantly pleased with the originality and uniqueness of the design, in the construction they have a large number of decorative elements that intertwine to create a pattern. They are installed with the goal of making the facade attractive, the protective properties are minimal;

Detachable, they are fastened with a bolted connection, which makes the process of their dismantling easier. Installation can be performed outside the building or inside. Each variant has its own features and advantages, the choice should be made based on the individual features of a particular object.

Construction type

Depending on the design of the grating, it falls into deaf, i.e. which cannot be brought closer, swing and sliding. there are deaf ones that are found in a solid candle in the form of a frame frame. Accordingly, they do not open, therefore they are unsafe in case of fire.

Sliding and swing grilles open, so a lock is installed on them.

Preparation method

Depending on the compilation, calculations fall on welded and forged. The main advantage of the first results is their adjustable cost. As a rule, they are made of rods. The cells have an overall different shape or even patterns.

In terms of decorative qualities, and often strength, they are significantly inferior to forged ones. The grille are made by hand or with the help of industrial enterprises (cold forging). They differ in more common patterns, weaving and other decorative ornaments. They often have a convex (inflated) shape.


Depending on the dependencies on the totality of three types:

  • Decorative – used exclusively to decorate windows.
  • Anti-vandal – protect the house from penetration, while simultaneously performing a decorative function.
  • Individual – identified to identify problems, for example, preventing a child or pets from falling out of a window.

Choice principle of security grilles

When choosing a grille, it is necessary to take into account the points described above, as well as:

  • The size of the structure – must fit under the window opening.
  • Design – it is desirable that the gratings are inscribed in the design of the facade.
  • Workmanship – this includes the quality of painting, processing of welds, strength.

Advantages and possibilities of using grilles on windows

Properly adopted grilles have a number of advantages:

  • protection of housing from penetration;
  • window decoration;
  • protection of glass from breaking with a ball or stone.

There are only two disadvantages:

  • block the exit in case of fire;
  • Requires proper, competent installation.

What is the cost

The cost of the product depends on the price of the metal profile, the complexity of the work, installation, delivery of the finished structure. Of course, the price of gratings also differs in size, type of paintwork. Also, the cost may vary depending on the number of gratings – the larger the order, the lower the price.

Decoration and installation

As mentioned above, it is best to decorate windows with wrought iron bars. However, sometimes experienced craftsmen make beautiful and ordinary welded structures. For example, from various natural rods. Additionally, the grille can be painted with a paint coating. This is how spectacularly painted and aged bronze always looks advantageous.

There are two main types of grating mounts:

  1. Anchors – can be fixed on walls made of any material.
  2. Fastening to the embedded element – the grille is welded to the embedded element, if they were installed at the construction stage.


Having decided on the appearance, also with all the gratings listed exactly, you will know which design is suitable for your home and all the tasks assigned to it will be set.

Source of information: https://secure-house.co.uk