The Importance of Inclusion of Diversity in Modern College Campus

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College students are believed to be more diverse than ever before. It brings hundreds of ethnicities, nationalities, races, and people from all socioeconomic backgrounds and religious beliefs inside college campuses across the nation.   But what’s actually the role of diversity in the modern college campus?

Cultural diversity is essential in college. As per US News & World Report, diversity helps create spaces for students that lead them to discuss different perspectives, share experiences and learn from each other. It prepares you for the vast world waiting for you in the future. It goes beyond your gender, background, sexual identity and orientation. Diverse college campuses happen to promote more worldviews from students to learn and engage with.

Interacting with classmates from different cultures or backgrounds changes the students’ mindsets. They do not just get inclusive education but it also prepare for international career opportunities.

Let’s explore and find out how including diversity in the modern college campus is actually a blessing in disguise.

  1. Produces better results

Recognising the importance of diversity in and out of the classroom leads students to a richer experience. As per a study from the University of Michigan, educational interactions between ethnically and racially diverse groups have led to various positive learning outcomes, like students feeling more motivated and engaged in the class. Students from culturally diverse backgrounds tend to have strong problem-solving, critical thinking and writing skills,

  • Builds innovative thinkers

When students are exposed to different ideas and challenges, it helps them develop more creative solutions to problems. Studying alongside them leads them to enjoy more opportunities to become innovative thinkers. In today’s economy, it is considered to be one of the most important assets and will continue to be critical in the upcoming decades.

  • Promotes creative thinking

Diversity in classes initiated a helpful discussion encompassing various viewpoints from people of different experiences and beliefs. During conversations, you will get to learn a lot of new things that will make you question things. It will encourage you to investigate unfamiliar ideas, consider perspectives you have never thought about, and think creatively. You will learn and grow up in ways you never really expected.

  • Promotes self-reflection

When you are surrounded by people from different countries, cultures and backgrounds, it makes you aware of social biases. It promotes inclusivity, cross-cultural awareness and collaboration.

You become a more sensible person and sensitive towards social traditions and practices. This trait lets you work in any kind of setting, especially in your future career. It also lets you lead diverse teams with cross-cultural awareness. It influences your cultural identity by emphasising strong collaboration and communication skills, exposing you to new perspectives and challenging belief systems,

  • Having role models

Not every student has a teacher to whom they can look up to or who has lived through similar experiences as them. Students with disabilities, LGBTQ+, or different racial or ethnic backgrounds do not have a mentor who can understand their problems, opinion or what they might be going through. Due to a lack of faculty diversity, they often feel isolated and go through mental trauma for being unable to discuss their problems.

  • Promoting economic opportunity

Several kids are held back due to system inequalities and the economic condition of their families. A college with a lack of diversity for them will be like being born with a disadvantage. People born in poverty do not get the chance to break the cycle. Many young students are not able to pursue the career of their choice. Higher education is particularly designed to prepare students for the job market in the future. The lack of diversity simply shows the lack of opportunities students face.

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  • Challenges stereotypes

Students often are raised around people of similar socioeconomic, cultural or racial characteristics. College is a place where predisposed norms or stereotypes are going to be challenged that has been developed during their adolescence. Students having the opportunities for being able to explore the experiences critically will become more tolerant, accepting and thoughtful members of society.

  • Improved social development

While engaging with a diverse group of people like faculty, students, or other member expands your circle of contacts. As a result of interaction, you learn from them as well as they learn from you. You are able to sharpen your socialisation skills and enhance your knowledge of issues outside of your comfort zone. Later the inputs and skills will help you with navigating workplace relationships.

  • Business competence

The goal of most business is expanding on an international scale and thus they ensue to hire employees with a global mindset.  T Some of the requirements that they look for in their candidates are students who speaks more than one language, have got necessary experience on handling different cultures, being more open-minded and adaptable and having deep insights on how exactly foreign markets tend to operate.

College is the space where the mind needs to be prepared for entering the workforce and dealing with globalised work environment. Being part with diverse communities improves their thought process and helps them understand the importance and uniqueness in each culture.


More colleges and universities are jumping on the diversity train to present an image of social acceptance and harmony to students before they step into the outside world. Diversity in the modern college campus is important since it improves your intellectual engagement, critical thinking, problem-solving, citizenship, and cultural engagement. Students interacting with a diverse group of people will help them become thinkers, scholars and citizens.

AUTHOR BIO: Robert Smith is a digital educator, and academic counsellor working on behalf of a reputable firm in Australia. He is a top-ranked writing services provider at where he specialises in offering essay editing and proofreading online services to students.