An Expert Advice on Writing Law Essay at PhD Level

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Writing a law essay at the PhD level can be challenging. Yet with the right approach, it is possible to produce a high-quality piece of work. To write a successful law essay, it is important to start by identifying thesis statement, conduct thorough research using credible sources, analyze. Evaluate the legal principles and arguments presented in the sources. Use clear and precise language throughout the essay. It is important to use proper legal citation format and avoid using jargon or acronyms. PerfectEssayWriting provides expert advice on writing a law essay at the PhD level. It also helps you to improve your research and writing skills and achieve success in your studies.

Expert Advice on Writing Law Essay

A law essay is similar to a social science essay in structure. However, its essence is different. Clear and accurate articulation is important. A legal essay requires you to build an argument and then connect various ideas expressed in the argument. Moreover, the writing should be formal and concise. Below are some expert pieces of advice on writing a good law essay at PhD level.

Clarity and Conciseness

Shakespeare says that brevity is the soul of wit. Nothing is
truer than this statement when it comes to writing a law essays.
Your essay should include only what is relevant. Legal essays have a very
narrow margin for irrelevant ideas. Only necessary concepts and ideas should be
presented in minimal words. It is because these essays are not subjective and
immune to emotions. Another hallmark of law essays is clarity. Ideas are to be
clearly expressed in simple but legal language. It is important to avoid vague
terms and ideas.

Formal and Objective

These are the most important features of a law essay. As
mentioned before, laws are objective. Little room is available for subjective
ideas and emotions. So, it is the primary requirement of a law essay that words
should be neutral. The essay should reflect neither too much emotion nor too
much subjectivity. A law student should use plain English where possible. He or
she must avoid the use of overwrought English and complex ideas.

Comprehension of the Topic

It is important not to rush to write immediately. You should
first comprehend the topic in its entirety. Analyze the topic by breaking it
down into smaller segments. In this way, you will acquire a good understanding
of the question. Also, it will help you in acquiring sound information
regarding your topic. Poor understanding of the topic leads to difficulty while
writing a legal essay. Proper comprehension of the topic also helps you easily
achieve the required word count.

Extensive Research

It is one of the most crucial steps while writing a law
essay at PhD level. Writing an essay after extensive research showcases the
depth of your knowledge. It also helps a student in fetching good marks.
Analyzing good resources for research and quoting them in your essay are the
tools to create a good impression. Moreover, prioritize primary research
sources over secondary ones. Reading more and more about the topic enhances
your comprehension of the topic. It also provides you time to properly
structure your thoughts while writing a law essay.


After acquiring data through research, plan your law essay.
Structure your essay paragraph by paragraph. Make brief notes about the
structure of each paragraph and what to write in it. Make an effective outline
of the essay and each paragraph as well. The planning phase will require some
time, but it will ultimately save a lot of it later. Remember, a stitch in time
saves nine. Writing a law essay without planning will lead to structural
mistakes. And this is the last thing you want while writing an essay at PhD
level. Therefore, effective planning will bear the ultimate fruit.

Starting Early

It is important to start working on your legal essay as soon
as possible. Delaying it will only lead to stress afterward. It will
deteriorate the quality of your write-up. Delaying your essay will result in
insufficient time to complete the essay. Even if you complete the essay, you
will not be finding time to perfect it. At PhD level, it is crucial to maintain
the standards of writing a good law essay. And starting early is one of them.
It helps a law student to slowly write his essay without feeling pressured. It
also helps consolidate the law essay and improve it with time.

Writing an Engaging Introduction

The introduction of a law essay determines the direction in which it is
going to flow. Thus, it is crucial to write a brief yet comprehensive
introduction. Your introduction provides the reader with a roadmap for your
essay. It also decides how the essay will tackle the question at hand. Include
a precise but comprehensive thesis statement in the introduction. It determines
your stance on the legal issue. So, it must express your idea clearly and
without ambiguity.

Getting Help for Law Essay

Writing a law essay is a delicate matter and requires
considerable expertise. It is different from regular essays and requires legal
jargon. Moreover, there must be mention of legal arguments to prove your point.
Thus, it is important to acquire law essay help while writing your essay. It helps in removing
some burdens. It also does not let you get overwhelmed while writing. Discuss
it with your teachers and take their advice. If you are stuck at a point, reach
out to your colleagues and take their opinion. Get professional expertise if
required. In this way, you can complete your legal essay efficiently.


Legal essays are different from other essays. They require a
different set of standards to write them. They are formal and objective in
nature. These essays must represent a clear idea in simple language. Good
comprehension of the topic is necessary. The essay must also be research-based.
Writing a brief yet comprehensive introduction is pivotal. Therefore, you need
to follow the tips for writing a good law essay at PhD level that this article provides.