There are at least 15 different ways that doing laundry might lead you to the love of your life.

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Washing the laundry service how many hours per month do you estimate you spend ? It’s possible that you don’t give it much thought while you’re doing it because, after all, you’re not punching a time clock when you’re at home doing the laundry for your family. On the other hand, you could be astonished to find out how much of your time is being consumed by this errand. Find out how much time doing the laundry for your family takes up and how you may save yourself some of that time by making a few straightforward adjustments.

How Much Time Does It Take to Complete the Laundry?

The Nigeria Time Use Survey was carried out by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, and one of the aspects that it investigated was the amount of time that individuals in Nigeria devoted to doing their own laundry. They discovered that the average amount of time spent on laundry by Nigerian males is 5 minutes, whereas the average amount of time spent on laundry by Nigerian women is 17 minutes.

17 minutes every day adds up to more than 8 hours when added up over the course of a month. That’s a whole day’s worth of missed productivity due to soiled shirts and socks, and that doesn’t even take into account the time you have to spend on tasks associated to such goods, such as ironing or driving the dry clean only items to your dry cleaner on the other side of town.

In that time, what other things are you able to be doing?

• Tailor Your Cleaning Routine to Fit Your Needs

Find the most convenient time in your schedule to do the laundry. You probably do not have enough time to do everything from beginning to end in a single sitting, unless you live in a family with a very small number of people.

• Arrange by Type of Washing Machine

Another option for subdividing your laundry tasks into more manageable chunks is presented here. Plan to do specific loads of laundry at specific times throughout the week. It is recommended that you wash the linens on Monday so that you may give the bedrooms a clean look. The next day, on Tuesday, you should wash the towels, and on Wednesday, you should wash the darks, and so on. If you use this approach effectively, you should be able to finish all of your laundry by the time the weekend rolls around.

• Laundry & Multitasking

The laundry is frequently done in conjunction with other errands around the house or while watching television. Is it time for an advertisement? After that, set aside five minutes to separate the loads of laundry into white, light, and dark. Are you prepared to do a load of laundry? Plan on spending between 25 and 35 minutes on each load of laundry; this will give you enough time to empty the dishwasher and sweep the kitchen floor. Allow thirty to fifty minutes for each load in the dryer. This should be enough time to refresh the bed linens. Are you keeping an eye on something that’s baking in the oven? Depending on the goods, folding or hanging the dry cleaning can take anywhere from five to ten minutes.

• Presort Laundry

Set up a washing cart on wheels to make the sorting process more convenient and efficient. In an ideal situation, you should position the cart so that it is close to the bedroom or the bathroom. This will allow you to quickly sort dirty whites, darks, and delicates into the proper bag as you move through the house.

• Sort with Extreme Caution

It is important to separate garments carefully so as not to destroy them. Bleeding and stains from new clothing can transfer to previously used items. When washing coloured clothing for the first time, make sure to separate each colour, especially red, and use cold or lukewarm water with detergent. Use an alternative to bleach that is specially developed to maintain the colour of the item.

• Little-Known Tricks and Tips for Ironing

These ingenious tips and tactics for wrinkle-free clothing will make ironing a lot less of a bother for you.

• Change Bed Linens Weekly

Once a week, you should change the sheets and pillowcases and wash them. (With one notable exception, which is that those in guest rooms should be cleaned once the guests have departed.) Protect your pillows by covering them with washable covers that zip on. Rotating the sheets and placing new ones on the bottom of the stack ensures that they wear evenly. Sheets should be washed in warm water, and non-chlorine bleach should be used as necessary. Spreads, blankets, and coverlets made entirely of cotton should be washed in cold water to prevent shrinking.

• Improve the energy efficiency of your dryer

Make it a routine to check the lint trap before each load and to empty it out if necessary. When the lint trap is full, it not only affects the machine’s performance but also poses a risk of fire. Things that are lightweight and dry quickly should be washed first in a separate load. The potential for shrinkage can be reduced by beginning the drying process with the items in their cold state, which also preheats the dryer for subsequent, heavier loads. Instead of performing one large load that is packed to capacity, you should do numerous smaller loads to prevent wrinkles. Because drying times are cut down, energy can be saved, and the heat that is left over can be put to use.

• Pillows, duvets, and comforters with air holes

By leaving your pillows, comforters, and duvets out in the fresh air for a few hours on days that are sunny and with a light breeze, you can naturally revive your bedding items. This is of utmost significance in the event that your bedcovers are stuffed with down. It is recommended by many producers of down-filled items that you dry clean them rather than wash them; therefore, this will help you save money by reducing the number of times you have to go to the dry cleaner.

• Make Towels Last Longer

If you take care of them properly, high-quality bath towels can last for ten years. This article will show you how to get the most out of your towels. To remove any finishes and excess colours, wash and dry brand-new towels before using them. Do a regular cycle of the washing machine. When washing towels, use warm water rather than hot water. It is important to avoid overdrying the cotton because doing so compromises the individual fibres’ structural integrity. Fabric softeners, whether liquid or sheets, should only be used once every three to four loads of laundry to avoid the building of waxy residue. Bleach that is safe for colours should be used on coloured towels. To prevent white towels from gradually acquiring a greyish tint over time, you should launder them separately or with other white items. Bleach white towels every once in a while, if necessary. If you hang your towels to dry, shake them while they are still damp and then give them another shake once they are dry to fluff the terry loops. Ironing terry towels will cause them to become less absorbent, so avoid doing so. On the other hand, linen hand towels require ironing before use.