A Research Perspective: Impact of Technology on Homeschooling

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Homeschooling is a concept that has been introduced previously. It has been around for centuries, but what is new is the increased use of technology in homeschooling. This rise in technology use has led to some interesting findings in research on the impact of technology on homeschooling. In this blog post, we will discuss some key points to consider from a research perspective on the impact of technology on homeschooling.

Define Homeschooling and its Purpose

Homeschooling provides an alternative to a traditional school, allowing families to teach their children themselves. It is a type of education in which the parent or guardian is responsible for creating and implementing the curriculum, providing instruction, and assessing progress. Homeschooling allows students to learn at their own pace, progress according to their learning curve, and be instructed on materials that they find interesting or relevant. 

It also allows parents to actively participate in their child’s education while avoiding the distractions and obligations of a traditional school environment. 

Homeschooling is a quality education focusing on customisable learning plans tailored to individual students’ needs.

Explore the Rules of Home Schooling in the UK

Homeschooling in the UK can often be seen as complex and daunting, as many regulations must be followed if parents wish to homeschool their children. However, with the proper preparation and research, parents can provide an ideal learning environment outside of traditional education settings. To explore the rules of home schooling in the UK follow these topics

  • The first principle of homeschooling in the UK is that all parents or guardians wishing to teach their children must register with their local authority. 
  • This registration should include a complete learning plan detailing what will be taught in each subject, an outline of how lessons will be delivered and an assessment framework, as many local authorities will offer homeschooled students end-of-year assessments.
  •  On top of these requirements, parents must ensure that the same breadth of subject coverage typically at school is taught; this includes Maths, English and Science, and other areas such as Art and Music. Furthermore, teaching must usually occur between 8:30 am-4 pm Monday through Friday during term time (September-July). 

These rules are designed to ensure that all homeschooled students receive a quality education despite being outside the classroom.

Research Findings on the Impact of Technology on Homeschooling

Studies show that technology has a substantial impact on homeschooling. Parents and educators report increased satisfaction and improved academic results in children who have been digitally educated. In addition, technology has facilitated enhanced communication between teachers and students, allowing for more detailed feedback and the ability to access materials that may not have been available in traditional schooling settings. 

Additionally, technology helps improve organisational skills among learning-from-home students by providing tools such as online calendars, task managers, virtual filing systems, etc. Moreover, the availability of online tutors supplementing learning from home can broaden the scope of what students learn as they no longer need to rely solely on books or other physical resources. 

All these factors give homeschoolers an advantage against their brick-and-mortar counterparts which directly translates into better performance levels.

How is Technology Used to Facilitate Homeschooling?

Technology has made it possible to facilitate homeschooling more effectively than ever before. With current technological advances, information is easily accessible and shared across long distances, making the development of the home school curriculum straightforward. In addition, learning podcasts hosted by professionals, educational websites, and digital learning games provide students with an immersive learning experience. 

Furthermore, online tutors allow one-on-one interaction between teachers and students for personalised instruction tailored to individual needs. Technology offers parents and educators tools to monitor student progress, develop virtual classroom settings, conduct tests, and organise lectures on demand through video conferencing. 

In short, technology has opened up vast possibilities for homeschoolers to expand curriculums and create customised instruction plans.

Tips for Effectively Using Technology in Homeschooling

For parents and students who find themselves homeschooling in today’s world, technology can provide invaluable support to the learning experience. 

The primary benefit of incorporating technology into the task is access to various sources and formats. For example, online resources and presentation software can offer dynamic, engaging materials and are far less restrictive than traditional textbooks. Similarly, virtual meetings enable an enriching collaboration among individual learners and teachers. 

As a result, households can build upon technology’s innovation while still getting the most out of their lesson plans. Finally, although many children find computers distracting, it may be helpful to apply positive reinforcement when they use them appropriately during their studies – this could pave the way for reward-based approaches.


So, here you have it! Many challenges are considered when using technology in homeschooling. First, it ensures that children have enough social interaction. It also provides excellent educational opportunities for children who might not otherwise have access to traditional schooling. There are many different ways to use technology in homeschooling, so research to find the best one. This is easily found on the internet. But be careful about rules and regulations because no one denies the impact of technology on homeschooling from a research perspective. Why not get an expert’s opinion? Who knows what will be most beneficial to your homeschooling efforts?